MasterOBee Master/King

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Banger of a song. He’s right, we need to talk about these issues:

    1. Working overtime and getting shitty pay

    2. Feeling like the life is being wasted paying bills, and the little bit of joy we get is through substance abuse

    3. Politicians enriching themselves by screwing Americans over

    4. Inflation being too high and what money that we do get in our paychecks having 30% taken out by the government.

    5. Politicians not looking out for the working class, but befriending and partying with Epstein trafficking minors.

    6. Young men dying at absurd rates due to suicide

  • I don’t think I can really keep engaging with you if you’re going to engage in such bad faith as to quote me saying he’s not a piece of shit and respond with “so you’re saying he’s a piece of shit”

    Come on man, you just said ‘I’m not saying he’s a POS but he’s showing that he is’ Like, that’s the classic ‘I didn’t say she’s a bitch, she’s just acting like one.’

    I haven’t been hostile to you, I’ve been extremely civil, and I think we’ve done a good job quoting each other and responding to each others statements but you can see how that statement came across, right?

    I think you’re just using this one sentence of my statement showing that you’re being dishonest when representing this man and his song to try and get out of a good discussion. It’s a bit ironic, huh?

    I also want to note my statement in my last comment: Honestly, if you only respond to one thing, can you please answer this question: Do you honestly think you have 0 bias in your interpretations of his song because of how he appears and the type of music he’s playing?

  • You’re the only one bringing in conservative/liberal ideologies. We talk about it on reddit/lemmy all the time, in our society it’s rich vs poor. This is a poor man seeing issues around him, that we all see too. That poverty is rampant, addiction to deal with it is rampant, we’re working too many hours, we aren’t getting paid enough, and from what we do get paid 25% goes to Uncle Same, while the people in Washington and their buddies pay 10%. Are these not the issues you see, too?

    You see this redneck hillbilly bitch about the issues in the U.S. and you just chalk it up to him being a conservative. That furthers our divide and helps the people he’s attributing the issues to: Rich men North of Richmond.

  • The song title is ‘Rich men north of Richland’ - it’s about how the politicians are fucking up America - both inner city and rural America.

    That is the underlying theme for the song, so him saying people are starving while there are some milking the system doesn’t make sense. Increase welfare, or fix it, help those that need it.

    Trust me, I really really wish he didn’t have that line, because he talks about so many bigger issues that the left agrees with, but now they can just discredit this redneck hillbilly as being an alt right industry plant. But i feel even if that line wasn’t in the song, that y’all would bitch about him calling out epstein and just say he’s a Qanon freak.

  • Okay, I’ll play along with your assumptions of this guys policy proposals based on a 3 minute song that just talks about observing common issues.

    Taxes being too high

    No, he says taxes too high for him, a working class man. Don’t you agree? Do you think someone making 60k/year should be paying 25% taxes when the politicians making 10x that amount are paying 10%?

    welfare benefits being too generous.

    Really? He said ‘we have too much welfare’? No - he says that there are a ton of people starving, who aren’t getting welfare, but then we have people abusing the system getting that funding. The people that need funding aren’t getting it, do you agree or disagree?

    Again, not exactly a stretch to see the implied recommendation is tax cuts and welfare state cuts, pretty much the core planks of the Republican Party platform.

    No, your lens of how you perceive him, make you believe he’s saying these things that he’s not.

    don’t wish he had policies drawn up at all

    Good, your wish came true, he doesn’t mention any policies, but that’s your problem, that he didn’t and now you can assume his policy proposals, you’re ridiculous.

    reveal policy preferences

    Once again, he doesn’t. You assume based on the music he’s playing and the way he looks. You’re just being prejudiced.

    Not that this guy is necessarily a piece of shit or anything, it’s just that what’s being revealed about him through this music

    So you’re saying you perceive him as a piece of shit because your assumptions of his policy proposals that are based on your assumptions of one line that he’s saying in a vacuum?

    Honestly, if you only respond to one thing, can you please answer this question: Do you honestly think you have 0 bias in your interpretations of his song because of how he appears and the type of music he’s playing?

  • You’re pointing to the various ways in which he speaks to legitimate complaints about the difficulties of life, which I’ve already agreed are valid. The problem is nothing the explicitly or implicitly suggests doing about those problems would actually help,

    So we agree that the song touches on a lot of legitimate complains. What’s your problem? That a man living in a trailer doesn’t have policy written out on how to address these?

    and indeed the implied recommendations

    What ‘implied recommendations’?? You’re just making this shit up now. He’s observing problems, I think the likely reason you hate it is because of how he looks, and you assume he’s a MAGA hillbilly.

    There’s nothing wrong with music, that generally has more appeal to the right to talk about issues that affect an average person.

    I’m a big believer that if you want to see the issues affecting working class, you listen to the music that they listen to. Rap has been talking about the issues with cyclical poverty since the 80’s, has been talking about gang violence, has been talking about drug addiction. It was ignored, and now look at what’s happening 40 years later, crazy crime issues, cyclical poverty and absurd drug addiction killing hundreds of thousands and ruining tens of millions of lives. Did they have policies drawn up? No, they just saw issues and made music about them.

    Why can’t someone with a more bluegrass vibe do the same? He’s seeing issues that he’s personally experienced and y’all freak out because you don’t like the way he looks.

  • That’s kind of what the whole article is spent laying out.

    Please, enlighten me with your own thinking. Is it because he’s saying some welfare programs are abused while the starving people who actually need help aren’t getting it? What do you think of the topics he addresses in the other 98% of the song?

    but then whenever it gets close to a political statement, whether about taxes, politicians, or welfare it never says anything a wealthy conservative would argue with.

    Is that what your issue is? Lets see, Biden is a wealthy liberal and 50 million democrats voted with him. It’s not about what a wealthy conservative or democrat would say, it’s about experience. This man is experiencing working overtime, while seeing inflation run rampant, his paycheck getting deducted 30%, substance abuse, politicians having a rich peoples club, young male suicide rates and those needing help not getting it.

    Is this different than the issues in the democratic run inner cities? I lived in seattle for 6 years, I can tell you the issues he’s talked about are the same.

  • It’s weird that this song has gotten so much hate from the left. And the critique is always the same line about welfare, but you don’t hear them quote the rest of the words of the song.

    First off, right before the welfare line, he mentions there are too many Americans starving, he’s saying that the welfare isn’t being allocated properly. If you’ve walked through the south, you’ve seen this. Trashing the whole concept of the song because one line, that in a vacuum, some people on the right use to discredit welfare shouldn’t be the goal.

    I see so many comments saying we need to unite against the rich, and when a song goes viral saying to do that, he gets trashed because he looks like a republican. This song talks about:

    1. Working overtime and getting shitty pay

    2. Feeling like the life is being wasted paying bills, and the little bit of joy we get is through substance abuse

    3. Politicians enriching themselves by screwing Americans over

    4. Inflation being too high and what money that we do get in our paychecks having 30% taken out by the government.

    5. Politicians not looking out for the working class, but befriending and partying with Epstein trafficking minors.

    6. Young men dying at absurd rates due to suicide

    Are these partisan issues? They seem like working class issues. Yeah, that welfare line I think is out of place, even if there may be some merit. But don’t lose the forest staring at a tree. This is a protest song against how the politicians have treated the working class.

  • Hahahaha of course the c/politics favorite source for news on Christianity is’s opinion pieces. This is what gets front page on this community?

    Yeah, even if people don’t believe fully in the bible, we can believe in many of the core values that Christianity preaches (that almost all of western civilization as we know it is based on).

    We can understand that two parent households are better for children and the nation. That small communities helping each other is preferable than the government taking money out of our paychecks so they can determine what’s best for us. That the way towards a more unified people is not government overriding and pushing culture.

    Getting to the core of the article, the author doesn’t back up anything that’s said in the title. He references someone who writes for a journal that references someone else referencing someone else that doesn’t like the ‘turn the other cheek’ verse the way the pastor was using it. What a shit article.