LeninWalksTheWorld [any]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020

  • I agree, German kids could have resisted, there was the White Rose and shit, and let’s not forget the thousands of leftists thrown into the camps. It’s not like people didn’t know what they were doing was wrong, they just didn’t want to take the risk of opposing the regime like the peers did. And to forgive them, punishes those who did resist. That’s why Nazi collaborators deserve a swift execution along side the true believers.

  • US military has been failing to hit it’s recruitment targets for years now. Mostly because American young people are too fat/insane/depressed/addicted to drugs to pass the basic physical and mental requirements, and not because of based reasons. It’s like only 20% of that age range is potentially healthy enough to serve which is kind of insane. Hope we won’t need to fight a big war soon lol

    Maybe they think they can trick horny teenagers into getting into shape and joining the military if they believe there is some hot gurl waiting for them. I doubt it.

  • Gorbachev wasn’t a full liberal he was a reformist and basically wanted social democracy. The liberal opposition that he at first championed with glastnost quickly outflanked him while the Soviet conservatives also hated him. His naivete and ineptitude destroyed the country by allowing liberal and nationalist forces (Yeltsin and his cronies) to tear the union apart from under his unsteady feet. The August coup was an attempt by the conservatives to force Gorbachev to fucking do something to save the country (several states had already declared independence at this point), but he couldn’t even be assed to take a side so the conservative had to try to throw together a new government overnight.

    So he’s less of a sell out (that fits Yeltsin better) and more of a person who was just completely incapable of recognizing the situation and was overcome by more decisive forces.

  • while I think joining an org is worthwhile and you should try, everyone should also know that not every org is worth your time and energy. Many are just lib shit door knocking for the Democrats, but even some “hard communist” ones will just make you sell stupid newspapers on the corner to teenagers. These orgs make you feel used, exploited for free labor even. Also especially with the communist orgs you run a good chance of befriending a undercover police officer who will fuck with you and the org, often undercovers get into the leadership position because it’s literally their job to be there unlike everyone else. So make sure you feel like you are actually participating in something you feel is meaningful. Maybe look for mutual aid like food not bombs

  • just take Leningrad immediately but also “zurge rush” (lmao) Stalingrad at the same time. Like yeah okay I’m sure the Nazis (famous for Blitzkrieg not close combat) can handle two of the most intense urban warfare battles at once hundreds of kilometers apart without getting their ass owned.

    taking Stalingrad wouldn’t even cut off the oil either the Soviets had made preparations to ship Caucasian oil across the Caspian Sea to Astrakhan to keep the military fueled. It would have been awfully inefficient logistically but they would have been able to do it.

  • The Indochinese/Vietnamese Communist Party actually considered inter-party fucking to be incest. Party members called each other “brother” and “sister” not just as a sign of respect but also to forge sibling-like egalitarian bonds. Other types of relationships in Vietnam were very hierarchical, including husband-wife back then. Sleeping with your fellow party members was definitely as frowned upon as incest and could get you in serious trouble if you were in a leadership position.

    In one story I read, an underground local city committee discovered their regional commander had pressured one of female guerillas into sleeping with him, so the other members of the city committee found their commander and slit his throat. Normally this would have had them killed themselves but when the city committee explained the situation the party agreed that the commander had indeed committed the crime of incest so his killers were forgiven.

    Point of this: DSA needs to introduce the death penalty for sex pests in their ranks.