4g auto Blowjob
4g auto Blowjob
X branded tucking underwear
(Joke) “We NEED to vote for 98% Hitler in order to beat 100% Hitler”
No you can’t “use” my crayons you keep eating the red ones whenever I let you borrow them
Chapo? Like the drug dealer?
How are they already out of stock
Don’t know how I never realized Levar was also the reading rainbow guy, remember watching reading rainbow but don’t know how I never recognized him in star trek TNG
Uncritical support o7
Why was Russia refused entry into nato when Putin enquired? If nato is not about the continued effort to destroy Russia and is a peaceful organisation would it not have made more sense to bring Russia into the fold?
I don’t think they are gonna get an answer
The “news network’s” profile has parody in the description
Heaven will be mine is on sale so I’m prob gonna grab that
Sorry the article seemingly purposefully phrasing it weird is making me confused, could someone explain it to me?
My guess is it isn’t top posts/comments in the past week, bit that it’s most upvoted in the past week
Will you stop the crooked vegans that are jacking up the price of chickpeas? Its all my 15 shitzus will eat and I’m sure the vegans are conspiring to increase the price of them. On top of that, they’re always telling me that feeding my dogs only satled chickpeas is “bad for them” and I should “just feed them normal food”. The same vegans are also doing a crusade against my healthy raw milk I’ve been buying, will you stop them and force the crooked fda to let raw milk back into Walmart?
American Margaret Thatcher
Fucking gamers
Heard the sus guy works there
How do you explain this liberal?
Kamala Harris