Don’t make me do stuff.
It’s not too late!
Been a long time since I’ve listened to Simon and Garfunkel, damn.
I think it has potential but I haven’t tried it myself yet. It seems less gimmicky than a lot of the other pokemon from this expansion.
Nice one! Any plans to use it in a deck?
Weirdly enough listening to Oasis. Imagine that.
I’m smoking weed about it.
Sad this ordeal ruined all of it
This is how I feel about most things these days. Musicians, actors, etc etc are all turning out to be pieces of shit and it sucks for everyone.
The victims definitely have it worse than we do though and I’m sure having reminders of their trauma all over doesn’t help the healing process. It would just be nice to be able to pick a show or an album and not have to wonder or check if the talent has turned out to be Satan when I wasn’t paying attention.
These are amazing. Thank you for sharing!
If only they’d programmed the AI to tell them this sooner.
This. You have to separate “work and play” so to speak otherwise you have to see all kinds of things you don’t care for all the time.
That’s a great tip.
Second the Ironfox recommendation.
Hell yeah fill’er up comrade!
The link in the body of the post isn’t paywalled. It’s different than the link in the title. The most recent lemmy build broke link sharing from Tidal and doesn’t pull in album art or autofill title information like artist and album. As a workaround I’m sharing both links, but the link that opens multiple services has to go in the body of the post since it won’t pull in the other data. It’s clumsy but hopefully not too annoying.
I love it when I find songs like that! Definitely digging this group.
I’ll have to check them out. This has opened up a whole new channel of artist suggestions on Tidal so I’m enjoying some of that.
It made me happy to see several of the transplanted communities on ! today. It’s also awesome to see back in action again. Shoutout for maintaining it for all of us. Thank you!
Oh, this is good stuff!
Almost reminds me of Pink Floyd for some reason. Thanks for the share!
That’s crazy. I’ve seen both artworks and never put it together. Thanks for this, I’ll have to look up more about it.
Welcome mate! Feel free to share whatever else you enjoy!
What a sick track, thanks for sharing!