CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • If you still want to use Reddit (yeah it sucks but there’s a little bit of value still), look up how to patch your preferred 3rd party application with Revanced ( They also provide tech support in their Discord if you need help (yeah yeah fuck discord). I don’t remember how to do it but it’s been working almost perfectly since last summer, except for one hairy time around October when reddit broke something and the patchers had to issue a new patch.

    I use the latest RIF Golden Platinum (v5.6 something?) which you can find on APK sites. It has no ads and I generally think it’s got the best UI out of all the reddit mobile applications. My reddit experience with it gets to be very focused and text-heavy – no shitty awards, no image macros, no bloated UI with tons of empty space, no clutter and bloat.

    Notes: NEVER install something that claims it will just download a patched app for you – it could be innocuous, but this is also a known way to spread malware. You need to install the unpatched app, then patch it with Revanced.

    NEVER install a patched app that someone says they made to share – it could be innocuous, but this is also how people spread malware.

  • Well, everyone else has covered good serious answers so I’ll give you less serious ones that would still be really fun to do. It is good and noble to antagonize your racist relatives. Also, “Shut the fuck up, you don’t know jack shit and have lost your right to talk” is a fun thing to say to people, gets them really upset. Why should you treat someone spewing colonialist fascist propaganda with respect? Hurt their feelings. Make them ashamed.

    1. That person’s analysis is racist as hell, just call it what it is to their face.

    2. It’s also categorically false. By how our sick societies typically measure “civilization” (sidenote it’s a pretty fucked up way that accepts colonialist industrialist racist assumptions as fact) China was far more civilized and advanced than Europe. China had vast empires while Europe was still in the so-called “Dark Ages”. Not that Empire is good but you see my point.

    3. Unrelated but have you read Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao? It’s at like the intersection of sci fi and fantasy and is directly inspired by Wu Zetian. I also think it’s a book all leftists should love because it’s very much a revolutionary story that rejects every bullshit defanging and subversion that Western revolutionary stories put in to sabotage revolution (For more on those sabotaging tropes: If you haven’t read it I cannot recommend it enough. It’s so damn good.

    4. You can tell them you have a policy of not writing about people who are destined for Hell, like Margaret Thatcher.

    5. You can tell them that you would rather write about someone cool like an empress rather than someone pathetic who only ever rose to the ranks of Prime Minister. If Margaret Thatcher had been half the woman with half the ambition of Empress Wu Zetian, she would have done a coup d’etat the queen of England, ripped the crown off her corpse, and reinstated absolute monarchy in England. Instead she meekly settled for Prime Minister. Pathetic.

    6. I know I shouldn’t recommend reddit-logo but reddit’s /r/AskHistorians is full of threads about how Europe was this dark backwater with no civilization while all over the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and in the Americas, vast advanced civilizations fluorished and did great things. If you wanted to be petty you could look for those, compile the best examples, and send them to this family member, because they sound like they really need to learn that West is not best, it’s the worst and is the latecomer to the stage of global civilizations.

    7. You could tell them you think you’ll get a better grade writing a respectful paper about what a bad bitch girlboss Wu Zetian was than if you write a long diatribe of an essay outlining every single way that Maggie Thatcher was a fetid steaming pile of shit.

  • I liked it because I could almost entirely ignore any superhero bullshit in it. It was a great and tragic movie about a vicious system abusing someone who just needed proper medical help and social support, that happened to be ever so lightly shoehorned into some batman thing that wasn’t really relevant to the central story. It felt like someone wanted to tell that kind of story, but couldn’t get it picked up, and so pitched it to the superhero shit execs who are so desperate for some way to tell some sort of innovative and powerful story with their characters loosely slapped on that they’d snap up anything that comes there way.

    And then I was really confused why so many progressives and liberals said it was a bad film that glamorizes alt-right men’s violence and inceldom. I guess if you really squint you can read it that way but that’s not what I took from it.

    They’re making a sequel? No way it does the first one justice, and if they lean into anything to do with superheros or supervillains any more than they did in the first one they’ll ruin it entirely. Probably not going to bother watching it.

  • Left image: hot, showcases human beauty and a warrior’s strength, incorporates historical armor design enough to be respectful

    Right image: offputting, uncanny valley vibes, offensive disregard for historical armor design.

    I’m horny as hell but who would seriously prefer the fake armor and lack of strength and personality in the right image to the humanity, strength, and dignity of the left image, not to mention the superior armor design?

    I don’t think these weirdos are actually sexually interested in women. Unironically, they should just sell their multi thousand dollar gaming computers and buy a high quality sex doll instead. They’d be happier, and every woman who has the misfortune of having to encounter them would be happier too.