ChicagoCommunist [none/use name]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2024


  • You worked as an independent contractor doing transcription. You decided to get out of it because AI is getting too good.

    Then cast a wide net using indeed or whatever site to mass apply.

    I’ve worked at 12 places in the last 5 years with gaps in between, but my resume and narrative doesn’t say that. And then I apply to so many places that even if 95% found out and rejected me it doesn’t matter, cause I only need one job. 5% success rate of 200 applications is way more than necessary.

    Alternatively look into seasonal jobs, a lot of them don’t care about your resume as long as you can pass a drug test and (very basic) physical.

  • Categories are useful inasmuch as they help us understand and interact with the world. We can construct a box that describes both cops and working people. We can construct a box that describes working people but not cops. We can construct a box that describes industrial working people but not service workers. Et cetera, et cetera. There’s an infinite number of ways to draw lines and group things.

    If we learn anything from the Russian and Chinese revolutions, it’s that categories developed in 19th century Europe don’t cleanly map onto other times and places. The ability of the revolutionaries to identify particularities of their peasant classes allowed the peasants’ revolutionary potential to be harnessed alongside that of an underdeveloped proletariat.

    So what are cops, then? To group them into either proletariat or bourgeoisie is a mistake, I think, akin to grouping all working people into one proletarian class (there’s a reason so many non-bourgeois statesians support the police and military, and it’s not because of some universal false consciousness). In the US their role in the imperial, colonial, capitalist structure is clear. I think they generally align more closely with the PMC, petty bourgeoisie, and labor aristocracy than international capital, though.

    In that sense they experience a higher degree of precarity than the bourgeoisie proper. But their relationship to the means of production and their own means of subsistence is distinct from non-PMC workers (service industry and global proletariat). As such I don’t think class traitor is an accurate label, not in the US. It better suits cops in colonized countries, when they aid their colonizers. US cops are well-aligned with the interests of the “middle” imperial class they belong to.

  • ChicagoCommunist [none/use name]@hexbear.nettoComics@lemmy.mlCommunism
    14 days ago

    In a similar vein to the above comrade’s comment, you may enjoy these quotes:

    From Disco Elysium:

    The Deserter - “The mask of humanity fall from capital. It has to take it off to kill everyone – everything you love; all the hope and tenderness in the world. It has to take it off, just for one second. To do the deed.”

    “And then you see it. As it strangles and beats your friends to death… the sweetest, most courageous people in the world.” He’s silent for a second “You see the fear and power in its eyes. Then you know.”

    YOU - “What?”

    The Deserter - “That the bourgeois are not human.”

    From Carlo Cafiero’s summary of Capital:

    So the daydreaming worker arrived at home; and there, dined, went to bed, and slept deeply, dreaming of the disappearance of bosses and the creation of government workshops.

    Sleep, poor friend, sleep in peace, while hope still rests within you. Sleep in peace, for the disappointing day will soon come. Soon you will learn how your boss can sell their goods for profit, without defrauding anyone. He will make you see how one becomes a capitalist, and a large capitalist, while remaining perfectly honest.

    Now your dreams will never again be so peaceful. You will see capital in your nights, like a nightmare, that presses you and threatens to crush you. With terrified eyes you will see it get fatter, like a monster with one hundred proboscises that feverishly search the pores of your body to suck your blood. And finally you will learn to assume its boundless and gigantic proportions, its appearance dark and terrible, with eyes and mouth of fire, morphing its suckers into enormous hopeful trumpets, within which you’ll see thousands of human beings disappear: men, women, children. Down your face will trickle the sweat of death, because your time, and that of your wife and your children will soon arrive. And your final moan will be drowned out by the happy sneering of the monster, glad with your state, so much richer, so much more inhumane.