Absolutely brilliant 👌
Was it weird when QT asked you to do those scenes?
I was wondering if you’d see this lol
How much would you charge for five minute video of you stepping in raw ground beef?
Hi Margot Robbie!
Hi Barbie!
(Also, since last night, it’s “esteemed Academy Award nominated producer/ character actress Margot Robbie” now.)
I’ll never understand what about feet that makes people horny.
Same what makes people get horney by being beaten, spit on, shat on and other stuff. At some point in our childhoods someone did it to us and we interpreted it as love. At least that is how it works for most.
So he’s jerking off with the other hand?
Hey, you get the joke!
Funny joke… but honestly, I found this movie unbelievably boring.
I quite enjoyed it, but it’s not a movie I’ve bothered to rewatch.
It’s not got the popcorn fun of Inglourious Basterds or Django Unchained.
my first thought based on the photo and the title suggests Tarantino might have been using his other hand for other things…