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The original was posted on /r/france by /u/EndlessDreamer1 on 2024-07-28 17:46:08+00:00.

Bonjour! Sorry for posting in English–my French is terrible.

I just wanted to say the Opening Ceremony was absolutely enchanting. I love that it was there on the Seine, showcasing all the culture and history of Paris. I feel bad for the athletes there in the rain, but as a spectator, it made the spectacle look so much more dramatic and exhilarating. The cauldron in the hot air balloon, ascending into the rainy skies above the Louvre, was absolutely enchanting. No one does style and artistry quite like the French. Love y’all, and you should be proud of the Opening Ceremony!

  • Nevrome
    7 months ago

    Hey, northern neighbour here. Glad you enjoyed it, c’était bien construit. Although I find it a bit ironic that the thread directly under yours states that la Cérémonie d’Ouverture was terrible.

    Sur ce, bons Jeux Olympiques!