Thinking of posting daily events, who won which medals, that sort of thing.

I ask because sports content kind of gets downvoted, so if it’s not your thing, that’s cool too!

My problem is, because I’m on West Coast time, I’m greatly removed from the events and kind of at the mercy of NBC’s schedule.

Well, that and I’m not PERSONALLY interested in sports, but if you guys want it, I’ll do it!

    3 months ago

    I don’t think that the term “West Coast” and “East Coast” is a thing in Europe…only really an east coast.

    Might be somewhere else uses the same terms, like Africa or South America or Australia.

    In the US, the term is important because there are two major population clusters, the larger one in the east and the smaller one in the west, with a comparatively-uninhabited area in between. It’s very common to have servers that target one or the other, to keep low latency, or people active at times appropriate to cover one coast or another.