Ancaps are actually a type of ”libertarian “. libertarian-alert

  • Owl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I love the more extreme kind of ancap, where they want to go all the way and privatize enforcement of private property laws. That, for me, is when it goes beyond just a garbage ideology, and becomes the purest transcendent form of garbage ideologies. If you ask them about those privatized enforcement agencies selectively enforcing the laws to their own benefit, they say that’s fine, because people won’t buy their services then, and anyway if they still have that power it must be because the market decided it’s for the best. I’ll tell them that’s just the state again, and they say that’s fine. Their ideology is so empty that it permits everything, and yet for some reason they still claim they want change. But as far as I can tell, their only beef with the government is that it descended from feudal land barons instead of business barons.