I know some places are more progressive in this regard. But from the U.S., I’d like to see every person entitled to:

  • shelter
  • food
  • healthcare
  • education and higher education

(As an aside, not sure “right” is the best term here, I think of these more as commitments that society would make because we have abundance. One advantage of the word “right” is that a person is justified in expecting it - it’s not welfare/ a benefit / a privilege)

  • Erikatharsis@kbin.social
    2 years ago
    • The right to solidarity, i.e. all should be allowed to partake in solidary action during a strike.
    • The right of initiative and right to recall.
    • The right to free software, or freedom from proprietary software.
    • The right to a third place, i.e. ready access to physical spaces that allow for socializing with strangers.
    • Freedom from eviction (mainly wrt rent strikes and squatting.)
    • The right to democratic education.
    • The right to cross borders.
    • The right to be forgotten.
    • The right to purpose, or freedom from meaningless labor. This includes the right to an employee fund.

    And there are of course other things. I just think that under the world’s current paradigm, these, at least individually, seem relatively attainable without a literal revolution.