• CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
    1 year ago

    I came across this post on Reddit initially and one of the comments accompanying the thread pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter lmao

    Whites: cracker

    Whites are likely to request pain medication no matter the circumstance. In White mythology, pain medication is seen as sacred and is used in a ritual process called “getting high”

    Willing to admit and prone to exaggerate pain as it elevates their status to show others how much their life sucks

    Some Whites will reject medical procedures until traditional witchcraft practices such as “homeopathy” and “chicken noodle soup” are tried first

    According to White lore, persons with skin tones darker then uncooked pizza dough are subhuman animals. Whites are likely to reject medical attention from such persons and request a similarly melanin-deficient nurse or doctor to treat them

    They may ask for your birthday as they believe your whole-ass personality is determined by it according to their sacred calendar

    Will ask for the manager

  • Red_Eclipse [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Blacks often report higher pain intensity than other cultures

    Isn’t this code for “they’re faking it”? Holy shit.

    What book is this from?

    • ScrivenerX@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      You can read it that way, or that they report higher pain intensity, or that they have been refused medication in the past so are likely to exaggerate in order to get what they need.

      The problem is we don’t have an objective way to measure pain. We can control the stimulus, but is it possible that one person experiences pain differently from others. By aggregating data you can find trends among populations. Hiding this information doesn’t serve anyone.

      Knowing what groups tend to over/state pain is useful. The format they show it in is offensive, some straight up graphs and numbers showing what the trends are would be better.

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
        1 year ago

        We found the author lmao

        Knowing what groups tend to over/state pain is useful

        So let me get this straight, you think there are ethnic groups out there as an aggregate that “overstate” pain? You really think that’s a fuckin phenomenon that exists, did I hear you right?

        • ScrivenerX@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I meant to type over/under state.

          I believe, in aggregate, data can show trends. The cause of these trends is not always clear. Using this example, if it is true that black people, on average report a higher pain number for similar incidents when compared to a different group, that doesn’t mean they are lying. It could be that there is a genetic marker that indicates experiencing pain at a higher level. It could mean that past experience with doctors have taught them they need to state their needs as dire to get the care they need. It could mean that more black people can’t afford healthcare and as such only go when it is more severe. It may be a cultural phenomena, like how in Britain “man flu” is considered a thing.

          I don’t believe data says people are lying, I believe data can show a trend. I feel that it is good to be aware of data.

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
            1 year ago

            This isn’t an issue of data, it’s an issue of racist drivel being presented as medical science, people in this thread have already presented the actual data for your “questions” and surprise! Yes medical professionals are trained to expect black people to lie about pain because they’re literally taught black people don’t experience pain, THAT’S THE REAL WORLD DATA

            See we’re dealing with the dire reality of racism in the medical field and you think it’s simply an issue of not having data, one: we already have the data, two: racists don’t give a fuck about data, that’s why the black category can only be read as “they’re lying” because the rest of the categories are filled with indefensible bigotry and cartoonish caricatures, that reveals the mindset of the editor and author of the section, as such they cannot be treated as any sort of reliable transmitter of inferred data, especially when the real data contradicts their racist assertions

            • ScrivenerX@lemm.ee
              1 year ago

              I think you misunderstand me.

              I believe that racism is a problem, especially in medicine. I think that there are many groups who are discriminated medical professionals.

              I don’t think the information is presented in a good way. But I think it’s important to look at this information. Racists don’t care about what the data says, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important for sane people to see the data. It’s like the infamous crime statistic, where the conclusion racists draw is black people are not only more likely to commit crime but they are also bad and will be caught, as opposed to thinking for one brief second that the issue is one of unfair enforcement.

              I think that suppression of knowledge isn’t a good course. Obviously the information was presented in a poor fashion, but there is a difference between it just being racism and being really bad at showing data. But presenting findings can’t be considered racist, taking findings out of context can be.

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.netOP
                1 year ago

                I swear in one ear out the other, real sus shit from our little lemm.ee visitor, there is no “findings” to be presented, there is no “context” to massage the racist drivel in that book, it’s all garbage, the actual data (that has already been posted in this thread, which you have ignored) contradicts everything in that trash section

                It’s not about presentation, there is no “good” fashion for displaying racism, the information itself is bogus and cartoonishly bigoted, how this isn’t obvious to you speaks volumes about your ignorance concerning racial subjects, but hey you’re cracker so I guess I have to grade you on a curve

                • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
                  1 year ago

                  im so grateful to the mods and posters. I dont even have to engage with the racist. i can just log off and when i log back in the racist comment will be remove and the racist will have been thoroughly debunked and dunked.