This will most likely be finished tomorrow, but I may forgot to take nice pictures or to post it. I am unsure whether to fill the inside of the plate with something, I thought about doing a few lines to hint at it, but it may look stupid, idk. Also, bad lighting, I hope you can forgive me.

picture of an embroidery of a strawberry cake in progress. only some of the top is missing.

    44 months ago

    As someone who doesn’t stitch, I appreciate the WIP Wednesdays no matter the extent of the progress. It’s nice seeing people working on neat things and everyone here is very wholesome

    34 months ago

    It looks great so far! I would also be tempted to fill in the plate with a solid color, but I don’t know enough about this type of embroidery to say if it’s a good idea or not lol

    • @just_chillOP
      34 months ago

      “this type” of embroidery runs mostly on vibes, there are no rules 😁 I am just worried it’s going to look too busy and take away from the cake, which should be the main focus. Maybe I will add something small, after I finish the cake.