Currently users you block can still see your posts, reply to those posts, and trigger notifications when they do reply.

You can read the beginning of messages people you have blocked in your notifications tab, but have to unblock users to see the rest of what everyone else reading the replies to your post can see.

A “blocking” feature that is only inconvenient to the blocker is worse than no blocking feature at all, equivalent to trying to escape a fistfight by turning invisible but actually just closing your eyes.

    1 year ago

    This blocked=true would then require the server to have a massive if statement, that can’t be (usefully) cahched cause its user and post specifc. Extra branching in the code is gonna have a less pretty output as is, but times that by both the number of users and number of posts that the entire instance is federated with?

    Just gonna make the fediverse even less popular with higher server costs, and will for sure be abused by the DDoS’ers that are already plaugeing popular instances. All this would them be negated from the 2 seconds it takes on any lemmy app I’ve used, where you can just press browse as guest.