At least one member of the Republican National Committee is working to slow Donald Trump’s attempted takeover of the organization by pushing to keep the committee neutral until Trump is officially the presidential nominee and avoid picking up his legal bills.

Two draft resolutions are being circulated by Henry Barbour, a national committeeman from Mississippi, for consideration at the RNC’s upcoming March meeting in Houston. Barbour said support for the resolutions among RNC members is growing but he does not yet have the needed cosponsors, and any resolutions would ultimately be nonbinding.

The effort comes after Trump last week publicly called to replace the RNC’s current leaders and install one of his senior campaign advisors and his daughter-in-law Lara Trump in top roles. Lara Trump suggested earlier in the week that GOP voters would support the committee paying her father-in-law’s legal bills as he faces a raft of criminal and civil indictments.

Trump senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, whom the former president wants to install as the party’s chief operating officer, told reporters Friday night that the RNC would not pay Trump’s legal bills.

    7 months ago

    I still have a hard time believing this scummy silver spoon fed construction mobster has grifted and taken half of the country for a ride and an entire goddamn political party. Everyone knew for decades he was a joke before any of this happened. And he’s still doing it!

    Sorry, I’m ranting.

      7 months ago

      Anyone with any experience running a business has known what a fraud he is for decades. Anyone who didn’t know after watching the horror show that was the apprentice has no right to be running their own life.

      He is a grifter and conman who isn’t even good at that. He is a puppet and it’s putin and or Xi pulling his strings and that of the entire party.

        7 months ago

        Everyone laughed at him during the apprentice too. It was fun stupid nonsense with a catchy phrase. It hurts my soul that this is our reality.

          7 months ago

          I tried watching it because I expected something educational (to a business geek) what I got was a reality show that focused on the drama instead of the actual nitty gritty of building a business. I knew he was a scam artist and a conman, grifter, etc but even without any legit input from him, I had hoped I could see businesses succeed or fail and how and why they did, I was wrong.

          7 months ago

          we should be solving the climate crisis, today.

          instead we’re arguing about basic human rights, 1860s-1920s shit.

          the right will never stop dragging this country down. the business plot, US nazis trying to keep the US out of ww2, nixon intentionally dragging vietnam out, reagan negotiating with the Ayatolla and sending them f14 parts and missiles to help him beat Carter, bush & reagan’s crimes swept under the rug by BILL FUCKING BARR, then, Bush 2 getting elected by Ginni Thomas / trust fund putsch, dragging us into war with iraq… 10 years of that… a ruined economy, and a dem comes in and fixes it - and they say he’s not american.

          fucking treasonous chode monkey cocksuckers, why does the right hate this country so much?

          my opinion? they’re still angry that they can’t own slaves.

      7 months ago

      My explanation would be that the GOP was moving towards fascism for decades (dogwhistles etc.). Worsening of material conditions (effective QOL), propaganda or “talking points” on news and social media that became more and more detached from reality, fearmongering (wars, terrorism, islam, socialists, corruption, climate change) paved the way for him. He’s just the symptom. Without the greed of the mainstream media to give his BS free airtime he couldn’t have done it. But the time was right for someone like him because the old bullshit didn’t cut it anymore. You see very similar all around the world (south america, india, europe, russia)

      Normally the political system also heavily filters who gets to rise to power. He managed as an outsider because he was known.