The historically ambiguous day of 23 February continues to have significant propaganda value for the Russian military and political leaders, who are in a frenzy of militaristic fervour. The so-called ‘Defender of the Fatherland Day’, which is still associated with the Red Army in popular memory, has been timed to coincide with a series of events that highlight the aggressive, paramilitary nature of the current regime occupying the Kremlin.

The primary focus of the action on 23 February is the promotion of Putin’s offensive on the Ukrainian front. Russian court propagandists and co-military correspondents are discussing the seizure of Avdiivka, from which the Ukrainian armed forces have retreated. Additionally, Ukrainian troops in the areas of Krynok, Rabotino, Ugledar, and Marinka, as well as in the Kharkiv area, are under significant military pressure. The military advances of Putin’s forces are described in a way that resembles the Stalinist propaganda term ‘ten blows’. The language used is flawed, clumsy, and violent. The situation is so dire that even war correspondents are taking their own lives. Murz, a spokesperson for the ‘Russian Spring’, committed suicide after the deaths of 16,000 to 30,000 Russian fighters in the Avdeevka conflict, which was orchestrated by Prigozhin. In a congratulatory telegram to the defence minister Shoigu, Putin demanded success.

The defence minister emerged from the shadows with a package of statements, needed to publicise Putin’s military strategy. Putin bypasses the General Staff and gives direct instructions to frontline commanders. It is worth noting the strategic approach taken here. Tuvin Shoigu, a political outsider, is considering challenging Putin’s leadership. He portrays Putin as a figurehead, similar to Kim Il Sung, the former dictator of North Korea, while also shifting political responsibility for the war onto Putin. Shoigu presents himself as a mere executor of the Kremlin’s will, if not a hostage to it. Now it is clear that the ‘NWO’ is solely a pre-election project of one actor. Any further implications will be attributed to this individual.

Against the backdrop of Shoigu’s praise of Putin, his rival Medvedev has also resurfaced. It has been a while since we have heard from the supporter of the Dubai party. The removed Dimon did not disappoint, once again demonstrating his aggressive nature by trying on the mantle of the chief militarist. Due to his unclear political status, he is expected to voice the terrorist regime’s most sinister designs after Zhirinovsky’s death. Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, is attempting to expand Russian influence by visiting Kiev and Odessa. Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, is attempting to expand Russian influence by visiting Kiev and Odessa. Medvedev, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, is attempting to expand Russian influence by visiting Kiev and Odessa. However, his actions may be seen as aggressive and misguided, as the ‘Russian world’ has been destroyed in Donbass and the idea of ‘Russian cities’ is now viewed negatively.

The tandem of Putin and Medvedev is a significant concern for the Russian Federation and its population. Their actions may result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. The term ‘Putin-missile-carrier’ is a new addition to this concern. In the country, the president has no other responsibilities or tasks. Therefore, his political advisors have decided to appoint the inexperienced ‘happy grandfather’ to pilot the Tu-160M. This decision is concerning, particularly when Putin, who lacks military expertise, concludes that ‘the equipment is excellent and can be accepted into the armed forces’. This is the epitome of demonstrating militaristic ignorance for the sake of a photo opportunity with a politician at the helm of a strategic bomber. One may question the status of the nuclear triad if Putin had to be coerced out of the Kremlin to endorse it.

Furthermore, the excessive focus on the military aspect suggests Putin’s personal insecurity. The arrogant gopnik is actually fearful and apprehensive about the potential consequences of Navalny’s murder, which poses a significant threat to the unstable regime.