• orrk@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not you, nor i, nor the cop, nor anyone experience true reality.

    We all experience what our brains cobble together from some sensory inputs, saying “it wasn’t as loud as a gunshot” is, at best, a meaningless statement, and at worst, utterly idiotic.

    you want to blame something? blame the Police force that hired him, blame the cop propaganda that heightened the PTSD, blame the predominant hyper individualist culture in America, blame the lack of healthcare, blame the commonly held notion that mental health is fake and should just walk it off, blame the fact that the nation fails those who served it at every single turn, blame the economic system that requires you to work to live even at the level of an African substance farmer (fun fact, some regions in Florida are so poor that they live in conditions that make imminent post soviet collapse Balkans seem luxurious), etc…

    • bostonbananarama@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      We all experience what our brains cobble together from some sensory inputs, saying “it wasn’t as loud as a gunshot” is, at best, a meaningless statement, and at worst, utterly idiotic.

      What the hell are you talking about about? An acorn hitting a car might be 50-80 decibels; a Glock 17 9mm pistol is 162 decibels, that’s louder than a jet taking off. That is ridiculously loud, perception doesn’t factor in at that point. If you can’t tell the difference between an acorn and a gunshot then you are not properly tethered to reality.

      • orrk@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        damn, I didn’t realize our ears are infallible decibel meters, nor that it is output into a chart instead of a big sentient tapioca interpreting electric signals (PS: you are inherently not tethered to reality, you are sentient tapioca pudding trying to make sense of a whole big jumble of electric signals)