I found this in the same place I found the sodalite. I went back yesterday and found this plus a few other samples including more sodalite. The above looks more like a white crystal rather than the blue and white stoney appearance of sodalite. Is also has a mix of green and orange glow where sodalite is a pretty distinct bright orange.
Though, I could be totally wrong. I am an amateur, but it’s fun to go looking for minerals with my son.
The UV light was a fun extra and the results can be amazing. It was not very expensive and I would recommend.
I love that your getting in to UV stuff! Been thinking about getting a light for a while, and you’re making me excited.
Not sure if it is or isn’t Calcite, but that vein sure looks good!
I found this in the same place I found the sodalite. I went back yesterday and found this plus a few other samples including more sodalite. The above looks more like a white crystal rather than the blue and white stoney appearance of sodalite. Is also has a mix of green and orange glow where sodalite is a pretty distinct bright orange.
Though, I could be totally wrong. I am an amateur, but it’s fun to go looking for minerals with my son.
The UV light was a fun extra and the results can be amazing. It was not very expensive and I would recommend.