• apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Again scope and focus: IDF minister, "There will be no electricity, no food, and no fuel, everything will be closed. We are fighting against human animals and will act accordingly.” This is the genocidal rhetoric.

    Hamas is fighting a war within a prison where the guards are defacto Israelis. Who the fuck else would they announce that they would be fighting for freedom?

    Israel is in complete control over this entire conflict, their actions dictate the reactions from those they indefinitely hold in concentration camps. Do I want both sides to stop killing each other? Yes! But it requires bigger decisions by those in control otherwise the status quo remains and in a year or 5 we’ll see this same type of senseless killing/genocide again like the last 70 years.

    • vivadanang@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      scope and focus? did you not see the children murdered by hamas? the pregnant women? for fuck’s sake get some perspective. they’re all killing innocents. they’re all murdering third party bystanders. And until religion goes away, it’s never going to stop.

      You’ll be happy to know I’m pissing off both sides, who see any discussion of responsibility on all participants as the* true evil.* Because it takes two parties to fight, but somehow Hamas is the victim here.

      Frankly I’m tired of it all; pissant people with their religious conflict over land some asshat decided was ‘the holy land’ because their religious grift got out of control and now it’s gotta be a ‘holy war’ because they all believe their fucking invisible friends are real and there’s some paradise waiting after murdering people - settlers, jihadists, what’s the difference? THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN INNOCENTS, why should the rest of the world?

      The middle east lacks the imagination to see beyond the next murder, because it’s never their fault, it’s always the other guy, so let’s just continue the killing right?

      get fucked, maybe you just deserve each other’s horrible company.