I’ve used Mag probably a half a dozen times to unlock versions of this riven, and today, with 25 minutes of mission and about 8 Dargyns spawned, it did not work even once. Typically I get at least 75% success rate per time I get Magnetize around a flying pilot/ This time, every single pilot fell out of the magnetize bubble still screaming.
Didn’t notice this in any patch notes, but then I didn’t read it that closely.
Guess I’ll try the Tentacle Swarm trick, but that’s a LOT less common to be able to set up. On the plus side, the Hydroid rework suggests that once a pilot is in the tentacles, they WILL die off the ground. That was not a sure thing before.
I just use Limbo for that riven challenge - no trickery required and you can roam the plains without a care in the world
Sneak up with Nidus and his trusty Huras Kubrow or Shade, cast Larva on the pilots that chill on the ground, probably smoking a doobie. Fastest method for me, worst part is finding the pilots trying to hide from work.
Related to this maybe?
NEW: Kill Dargyn Pilot Riven challenges are not completing (investigating).deleted by creator