The thing is, I determined much later in life that public school really was kind of an indoctrination machine (combined with a pint sized prison, run by authoritarian asshats tiny brains and big egos) and a lot of what happened to us kids there was really bullshit in retrospect. But they also taught us to read and do long division and shit, so there’s that.
YoU cAn’T pUt YoUr cHiLd iN tHe iNdOcTRiNaTiOn MaCHiNe! DeFeNd YoUr RiGhT tO hOmEsChOoL WiThOuT OvErSiGhT!
The thing is, I determined much later in life that public school really was kind of an indoctrination machine (combined with a pint sized prison, run by authoritarian asshats tiny brains and big egos) and a lot of what happened to us kids there was really bullshit in retrospect. But they also taught us to read and do long division and shit, so there’s that.