Ah, sorry, I think I clocked you as one of those anti-urbanism shitheads that comes in here sometimes and says stupid shit. Never mind, we’re in agreement here, carry on.👍
I wish more rural people could see this. Better transit in cities makes life better for you too! If you have to drive, having fewer cars on the road makes your drive better!
Because if we make cities better less countryside will be plowed under for something we both hate: Suburbs.
Just like how despite liking cars I want more mass transit because that means fewer people on the roads, making driving better for me.
Ah, sorry, I think I clocked you as one of those anti-urbanism shitheads that comes in here sometimes and says stupid shit. Never mind, we’re in agreement here, carry on.👍
I wish more rural people could see this. Better transit in cities makes life better for you too! If you have to drive, having fewer cars on the road makes your drive better!