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The reason people don’t like people wandering onto their land is the usa…is getting sued. The amount of lawyers here which will take a case for anyone or any reason is insane. Even if the person knows they won’t win, you who are getting sued, is going to lose money and time because you’re going to need to pay a lawyer to make sure you don’t lose your clothes by the sueing party.
It sucks, thankfully we have a ton of parks…for now.
The reason people don’t like people wandering onto their land is the usa…is getting sued. The amount of lawyers here which will take a case for anyone or any reason is insane. Even if the person knows they won’t win, you who are getting sued, is going to lose money and time because you’re going to need to pay a lawyer to make sure you don’t lose your clothes by the sueing party.
It sucks, thankfully we have a ton of parks…for now.