• barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
      7 days ago

      Rich Americans are still Americans, and most people are happiest where they grew up. Sure, its fun visiting other places, but you are always going to be happiest in the culture you are most familar with, provided there isn’t a dangerous economic or political situation.

      Most would be loathe to give up their American comfort for another place. Nobody is really suggesting that American Oligarchs give up their comforts, just that they should keep a little bit less of their nearly limitless hoard of treasure to keep the system that benefits them above all others healthy, so they can get even richer.

      We are an unapologetic Capitalist society, but the Sociopathic Oligarchs are killing the Golden Goose with their enthusiastic unbridled greed, and we are trying to save them from themselves. By taxing them only SLIGHTLY heavier, we are preserving that system so they can continue to get even richer. If they insist on continuing down the fraudulent Trickle Down path, the system will eventually break, and installing the new system will likely include a very bad situation for the wealthy.

      • galanthus@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        But some people will leave. “American comfort” is not a thing. Switzerland, Monaco, Netherlands and some other countries are better places to live even for the working person(though there are not many of those in Monaco, to be fair). And trust me, if you are rich, it does not matter where you live, you will be perfectly comfortable wherever you are(but I would not prefer america anyway, though americans might feel differently).

        • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
          7 days ago

          You just state that ““American Comfort” is not a thing,” as if it is a known fact. It absolutely is a thing. We live in a very comfortable society, and it has been that way for a long time. People flock to America because it is more comfortable and stable than most other places in the world. People even come here knowing they will be treated poorly by much of society, because even that is better than where they come from.

          If you don’t think that walking down realtively safe streets, driving on safe roads, having a stable utilities infrastructure, an economic system where endless access to quality employees and a stable market are expected, safe and high quality food, the best health in the world (even if it is one of the worst health care SYSTEMS), etc., contributes to a comfortable America, then you are just one more American Sociopath who doesnt appreciate what really makes America a great place to live, and makes it the envy of the world.

          Or at least it was, until MAGA decided to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

          • galanthus@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            Monaco is a country where most people are at the very least millionaires, insanely luxurious and almost completely crimeless. Switzerland is the richest country in the world per capita that is not a microstate or a tax haven. Rich european countries like the Netherlands and some others are more comfortable to live in than America, since they have better welfare, infrastructure and general quality of life. People come to Europe as well, believe it or not.

            You should leave your country and see the world.

            • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
              7 days ago

              Those are lovely places, of course, but American Oligarchs didn’t become opulently wealthy in those countries, they became wealthy in America. They aren’t likely to leave America because the taxes go up a few percent, decreasing their annual revenues by what equates to a rounding error.

              And if a few leave, who the fuck cares? America mints new millionaires and billionaires every day. We already have too many anyway. If they don’t give a little ground to the nation that has given them limitless wealth, they will eventually lose literally EVERYTHING, when the working class finally has enough and Luigis the entire ruling class. It has happened MANY times in history, and it can still happen today, and America is quickly aporoaching the moment when it will happen here. We’ve already revolted at least twice in this country, in 1776 and 1860, revolt is in our National DNA.

          • galanthus@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            Horrible infrastructure. NY metro is disgusting, for instance. Aeroports are shitty too.

            No public services. No public transportation.

            Rich society, not as rich as some european countries.

            Least safe country in the west.

            the best health in the world There are 54 countries with higher life expectancy that the US, though not as high as one has to be to believe the nonsense you believe about America.

            • barneypiccolo@lemm.ee
              7 days ago

              All nonsense straight from the Conservative Propaganda Machine.

              We have phenomenal infrastructure. There could always be improvements, like high-speed rail, which we are far behind on, but everything else is pretty good. I travel all ever the eastern US for my job, and in general, roads and airports are easily useable. Far better than many countries, and the equal of most European countries. And we have plenty of public transportation in the form of subways, busses, trains air travel, and the biggest car culture on the planet. People don’t have any problem getting around.

              We are so not the least safe country in the west, and just saying that proves how foolish you are. Go spend a week in Brazil, or Russia, or many other nations. I can walk all over my neighborhood in Astoria Queens at night, and never feel unsafe. I can’t remember the last time there was a violent crime in my neighborhood.

              As for health care, polish your reading comprehension skills, and read my post again. What I said was that while we have the best Health Care in the world, we also have one of the worst health care SYSTEMS. Wealthy people from around the world come to America for health care, because they can access it with their money. The problem is that regular working class people have trouble getting that same level of health care in their own country, and that’s what leads us to having such poor outcomes compared to the rest of the world. Medicare For All would go a long ways towards changing that.

              As for not being as rich a society as some European nations, that is not a valid objective. The goal isnt to create as many rich people as possible, its to give EVERY American access to a decent life free from homelessness, hunger, preventable illness, crime, corporate exploitation, etc.

              Sacrificing every single one of those moral objectives so that wealthy people can add a half-percent of profit to their bank accounts is what has been destroying America. Now we have a triumvirate of two foreign Sociopathic Oligarchs (Putin and MuskRat) with no patriotism or loyatly to America, and the most prolific traitor in American history, who is also psychopath, who all see America only as a fat, lazy, rich mark to be ruthlessly exploited like the mobsters they are, doing a speed run through our government, destroying everything as quickly as they can, just tonweaken us and make us easier to rob and enslave.

        • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝@sopuli.xyz
          7 days ago

          My dude, the Netherlands has a wealth tax, if you live there you pay a percentage of your total wealth every year. Maybe there is a reason why it’s working so well.

          • galanthus@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            It is still a tax haven, and no capital gains taxes apply if you pay the wealth tax, which is even better for speculation.