including comic books.
Three series:
- The Wheel of Time
- The Dark Tower
- The Expanse
Tales of the Dying Earth by Jack Vance; a collection of 5x short stories, 2x novels, and 3x novellas set in the far, far future Earth. Wonderful mix of SF and Fantasy.
Ada or Ardor, by Vladimir Nabokov. Sweet Blue Flowers, by Shimura Takako, is my favorite comic.
- Necromancer by William Gibson gripped me hard.
- anything by Terry Pratchett. Hard to choose, but probably Feet Of Clay.
- anything by Ursula Le Guin, probably The Dispossessed.
Probably forgetting a few, those would all be in my top 5 though
Neuromancer… Necromancer is TOTALLY different!
Reading Nevada by Imogen Binnie finally allowed me to come out as trans to myself when I was in my teens. No other book has changed my life that profoundly.
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, with Catch-22 a very close second.
Short but always like Hatchet.
Hatchet is a 1987 young-adult wilderness survival novel written by American writer Gary Paulsen.
Books: the Animorphs series
Comics: The Flintstones (2016)
Myst: The Book of Ti’ana by David Wingrove and Rand Miller.
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, by Robert Heinlein. I read that when I was in high school over 30 years ago and it had more impact on me (no pun intended if you’ve read it) than anything before or since, I think. I read Stranger In A Strange Land shortly after and that one did a number on me, too. Heinlein’s place in the pantheon of science fiction gods was well earned.
For lighter stuff, the Scions of Shanarra series, by Terry Brooks, is one I have gone back to many times.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is also my favourite book!
This is one of those questions where the answer will probably change from day to day.
Today I’ll say Count Zero, the middle book of William Gibson’s Cyberpunk trilogy. It built on the ideas he explored in Neuromancer and was tighter and less rambling than Mona Lisa Overdrive.
Haha I’m always arguing with a friend over which is best, I prefer MLO out of the three.
The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive) - Brandon Sanderson
When I first bought it, I got through about 3 chapters and then shelved it. A couple of years later I was looking for something to read, I saw this book being praised and remembered I had a copy. I ended up getting hooked and sucked into the cosmere.
Tomorrow it’ll probably be something else, but today I’d say Foundation (Isaac Asimov). Such a good classic of science fiction.
Krabat by Otfried Preußler. Lemniscaat published more great children books but that one is my favorite.
I know the artist who painted the
for the Dutch translation, as a troubled kid I spend many summers on her farm, wonderful time away from my parents, she made awesome artwork for many books.
It reallyy depends on a lot of factors.
I don’t really have the favorite.
But I’d consider these books/series as my favorites:
- Hitchhikers guide series
- Children Of Time series
- Three body problem series