I kinda have this weird idea where I would hypothetically visit China (where I was born) some time in the future (like as a tourist), then I would go chat up some random foreigners in China, and pretend I don’t speak English, then later reveal I do speak English, and then they’d be so surprised like “OMG this Chinese person speaks perfect English?” (because I immigrated to the US as a kid). I kinda want to do this as a prank. I mean I know it sounds silly, but its like the reverse of those youtubers that learn Chinese and surprise Chinese people. I mean, they’d probably eventually figure out that I was grew up in a English speaking country, but its still funny to do this as a prank to confuse people (especially people who’s native language is Engish) 😅.

Anyways… what’s are your stories (or even hypothetical scenarios) involving languages that you want to share?

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    I live in Florida, and the number of people who seem to think Spanish is a secret code (in Florida?) never cease to amaze me. Dude. Any person here, white, black, old, young, literally anyone could be Spanish.