I use Molly but I’m sure its the same for Signal.
A recent update seems to use my wallpaper accent colour to drive the use a purple colour for the Dark Theme.
For some reason, to me, its really jarring.
While you can change the chat colours and wallpaper (although its more limited or you have to import your own). The purple still shows it many spots.
I’m pretty sure this is what changed unless I’m loosing my mind. I much preferred the old look by a mile.
This was a #molly specific change and not in the official signal. Molly did this change in the last release, I believe, and apparently is not a very popular change. There is a feature request in the molly repo to revert this change back to original dark theme. (github.com/mollyim/mollyim-android/issues/447)I’m using stock signal but i don’t see this. my ui is monochrome dark (black & shades of less black) except in charts where I’ve applied custom bkg images.
are there any screenshots (from signal.org or Molly devs) that show it?
Basically this. You can change wallpaper colours but the rest of the purple nav bar and buttons stay purple.
oh i see. i wasn’t able to replicate the effect on my device.
could it be part of a OS color theme? or an effect of color gamut settings?
sorry I’m not helpful.
Seems its Molly only.
Updated color palette: We’ve refreshed the app’s light and dark themes for a more vibrant and intuitive user experience.
And a few are annoyed.
I noticed it too, although I can’t really say that it bothers me. Because I just noticed it and was like, oh, okay, and moved on.