I have 4 puppies and there is a natural pool on our property maybe 7 feet across and 3 feet deep. I have never trained swimming before nor looked up how. I value my own coming up with things and the experiences of real people so I will be using my own ideas and what I learn here rather than go to a blog.
So any ideas? Anyone train puppies to swim before?
I believe dogs often inherently can know how (my momma dog is great swimmer even tho she never swam as a child). And a key thing I feel is to have treats available and involved so there is an atmosphere of water being good.
I am also thinking to support them as they paddle twice each at least. Then I will challenge them to swim to and retrieve a treat so, if they push themselves to do what they now know wont hurt them (paddle to the treat), they receive reward.
I will somehow need to simultaneously take pictures or recruit a friend.
Thoughts? Probably in 5 days
ty. will focus on ‘comfortable with floating’
My dog learned when he went to the beach and the waves picked him up. Once he realized it wasn’t so bad, he loved swimming.