This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/n1976jmk on 2025-03-10 22:02:13+00:00.

Text from Home Assistant’s LinkedIn post

“We’re Matter certified!! 🎉

We’ve been ahead of the game with Matter implementation, and we’re excited to announce both Home Assistant and the Open Home Foundation Matter Server are officially certified by the CSA. 😌

What does this mean for you? Find out on our blog 👇🏼

Huge thanks to Resillion for helping us with the testing for certification! 👏🏻”

We’ve been ahead of the game with Matter implementation, and we’re excited to announce both Home Assistant and the Open Home Foundation Matter Server are officially certified by the CSA. 😌

What does this mean for you? Find out on our blog 👇🏼

Huge thanks to Resillion for helping us with the testing for certification!