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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/anonjedi on 2025-03-11 21:05:33+00:00.

So the changelog mentions the continued conversation. I have seen some commits (for LLMs and for assist pipeline) for this in HA 25.3 as well (I am running 25.3.2 now). Is there anything special we have to enable?

EDIT: to force check for update, I went to and I clicked on the refresh icon up there. Cant believe I missed this, I assumed HA restart would do it, but nope, this is the way.

EDIT2: seems that the commits were merged into dev branch, which will be released with 25.4.0 (at least it looks like its not yet included from this diff where you can see the relevant PRs). So just few more weeks. Can’t wait!