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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/dror88 on 2025-03-12 00:19:40+00:00.

Last week I asked for advice because I was running into issues pairing 17 devices at once with ZHA and a Sonoff Dongle, and running into issues of ZHA only picking up a few at time.

Because of the wiring in my situation, I had to pair more than 50 IKEA Tradfri LED spots at once. So I knew I had to change something. Following the advice here I switched to Zigbee2MQTT and also used the SLZB-06 (connected via Ethernet). And wow, what a difference.

It did take 3-4 pairing attempts and 5 spots wouldn’t pair, but I saved a lot of time going this route. Still took a lot of time identifying and naming all of it (over 100 spots in total), but I’m really happy I did the work.

The mesh is strong and now it runs very smoothly. Z2M is also much nicer when it comes to custom options, device integration and so on.

tl;dr: If you have a lot of devices or need to pair a lot of them, use Z2M. SLZB-06 is also worth it.