The Great Sphinx at Giza (usually spelt in English with an i) famously is missing its nose. A common (but unsupported) myth says that Napolean shot it off when he was occupying Egypt.
Sphynx cats (usually spelt in English with a y) are a breed of hairless domestic cat. Though I’ll admit when doing the puzzle, it didn’t occur to me, and I was just thinking about the Sphinx as being a cat body.
I thought blue was just landmarks/attractions also wasn’t the sphinx altered?
The Great Sphinx at Giza (usually spelt in English with an i) famously is missing its nose. A common (but unsupported) myth says that Napolean shot it off when he was occupying Egypt.
Sphynx cats (usually spelt in English with a y) are a breed of hairless domestic cat. Though I’ll admit when doing the puzzle, it didn’t occur to me, and I was just thinking about the Sphinx as being a cat body.