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One of the best albums in recent years and I’m a metal head! Kamasi just absolutely rocks. Clair de Lune on disc 3 of The Epic is such an incredible reimagining of a piece of classical music.
One of the best albums in recent years and I’m a metal head! Kamasi just absolutely rocks. Clair de Lune on disc 3 of The Epic is such an incredible reimagining of a piece of classical music.
Hey I used to be a super metal head, check out my Flying Lutenbachers post Fist Through Glass
I think it’s literally the song that got me into jazz!
I came from hardcore punk but same difference.
This album is so good.
I was big into hardcore, grind, death metal, so many different things
I saw Napalm Death live, Entombed, Anvil, woah … Many others… I can’t believe it now that I look back
Angry youth, somewhat mellowed over time, eh.
The anger is still in full force, however it has transformed into a contolled, useful energy that serves me and my fellow humans