Been liking Alex O’Connor’s ChatGPT explanation videos and ChatGPT related experiments.

Alex O’Conner makes content related to philosophy and religion but I particularly enjoyed, in addition to this video, one where he gaslights ChatGPT using moral dilemmas.

In this video he tells you the reason why it is so hard to get ChatGPT to do this. Short Answer: most images you find of wine are either empty glasses or partially full because who fills their wine to the top?

    5 days ago

    Sounds like Francis Galtin’s Ox

    “The classic wisdom-of-the-crowds finding involves point estimation of a continuous quantity. At a 1906 country fair in Plymouth, 800 people participated in a contest to estimate the weight of a slaughtered and dressed ox. Statistician Francis Galton observed that the median guess, 1207 pounds, was accurate within 1% of the true weight of 1198 pounds.This has contributed to the insight in cognitive science that a crowd’s individual judgments can be modeled as a probability distribution of responses with the median centered near the true value of the quantity to be estimated.”