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i think you’re not wrong for thinking that, hell, it does look like it; But i don’t think capitalism is going to end just yet. The Americans have showed to all the world what hyper capitalism is and how it can poison and kill a nation. The fact that we don’t know yet of a system to replace the current doesn’t give me much hope that we are going to try out anytime soon. What i think might actually happen is that a social democracy might become the way forward is many places (as it already is in some countries today); For some people in the capitalist elite this might actually be a good compromise of keeping the status-quo and changing up the system.
Who knows, maybe after social democracy thrives there might actually be a new system coming.
Wouldn’t a lot of our problems go away if worker owned cooperatives became the only legal form of corporation, combined with the abolishment of shareholder investment?
I don’t think the entire system needs to be changed. Just tax appropriately and get rid of free externalities. Companies should pay for pollution or other environmental effects they produce and should be taxed incrementally.
Otherwise you have corporations making millions because of an unfair advantage which is eventually paid by the user or governments.
i think you’re not wrong for thinking that, hell, it does look like it; But i don’t think capitalism is going to end just yet. The Americans have showed to all the world what hyper capitalism is and how it can poison and kill a nation. The fact that we don’t know yet of a system to replace the current doesn’t give me much hope that we are going to try out anytime soon. What i think might actually happen is that a social democracy might become the way forward is many places (as it already is in some countries today); For some people in the capitalist elite this might actually be a good compromise of keeping the status-quo and changing up the system.
Who knows, maybe after social democracy thrives there might actually be a new system coming.
Wouldn’t a lot of our problems go away if worker owned cooperatives became the only legal form of corporation, combined with the abolishment of shareholder investment?
I don’t think the entire system needs to be changed. Just tax appropriately and get rid of free externalities. Companies should pay for pollution or other environmental effects they produce and should be taxed incrementally.
Otherwise you have corporations making millions because of an unfair advantage which is eventually paid by the user or governments.