The canary has been screaming its lungs out since Bill Clinton introduced his racist anti-immigrant bill in 1997, but both Republicans and Democrats have not only ignored its cries, but hastened its situation. Both parties have created this. Don’t think this won’t affect us all.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
This is BS.
Do not need your passport between US & PR.
Fuck this crap.
It was never about immigration. I live in South Dakota, and I’ve heard stories of Native American people being questioned. “I’m just against illegal immigration” was always a racist dogwhistle.
Several Navajo in Arizona got swept up by ICE because they “looked illegal”. Trump has also floated the idea that Native Americans don’t have citizenship.
Ugh, bloody natives! Why don’t they just go back to their own country?
Multiple legal citizens have been detained by ICE and asked for their passport as proof of citizenship. Communities around me are now getting their passports specifically to avoid the fate of their family.
You will soon for domestic flights.
That or a “Real ID,” which I’m convinced is a step towards voter ID as a means of voter suppression.
I have a Real ID.
I’m not sure we all understand how the whole “canary in a coal mine” thing works
The ghosts of 3,000 dead canaries have been screeching at us for decades
Fair. The canary was already screaming when the colonizers first arrived.
Way back in the 90s, there was a big to-do about “Profiling” as a police strategy. We had all these police statistics indicating how minorities were far more frequently stopped and harassed by patrolling officers. As a result, they got hit with an outsized proportion of petty infractions and you get the “crime statistics” that fuel right-wing bigotry. Crime became an excuse for entrenched poverty and joblessness and homelessness. Crime became an excuse for the anti-drug hysteria. Crime justified keeping minority groups out of college and forcing them into the informal economy and profiteering off their diminished status through wage theft.
Civil Rights Activists rightly identified profiling as a means of reinstating Jim Crow and other apartheidist segregation strategies. But their fight to end profiling fell apart after 9/11, at which point “Don’t trust that guy he looks like a terrorist” became the reflexive accepted wisdom of much of the American public.
Now we’re living in the aftermath of a failed civil rights movement. The '90s protests over Rodney King, the '00s anti-Muslim surveillance state, the '10s Blue Lives Matter response to YouTube’d police brutality videos, and now the '20s full blown fascist anti-immigration state. Its all part of the same machinery, used to divide and conquer the American working class.
Are you seriously both sidesing this shit?
Politicians do not serve your interests. They serve their own, and they serve their masters.
Your side actually consists of your fellow workers. The other side consists of the capitalist class who are fucking you over and robbing you blind. National level politicians are members of the capitalist class.
When you get upset at “both sidesing” it’s because you haven’t internalized what the sides actually are.
When you get upset at “both sidesing” it’s because you haven’t internalized what the sides actually are.
You mean the Blue Business Party of Rich People and their Owners and the Red Business Party of Rich People and their Owners are not actually on the side of the working class?
OHHH team fortress 2 was a critique of capitalism and the industrial military complex! Redmond and Blutarch both war profiteers
What everyone else said.
I’m also going to gently mention that Rule 2: “No defending oppressive systems or organizations” includes defending the Democratic Party, since this is a well-known and well-documented example of a destructive, genocidal, racist, and anti-queer organization, by any metric.
Democrats and Republicans are on one side, the side opposed to anyone seeking communities based on compassion and equity.
Ok I guess this is not* the place for me.
Or maybe it’s just the place for you. It’s important to identify our mutual enemies so we can work to remove them and dismantle their systems.
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Yeah. What the fuck, lol. So this happened under Biden too, huh?
Obama deported more than any president before him.
He was the one who initially hired Homan. The guy doing this shit now. You know, the asshole bitching that people are telling other people what their rights are.
So yeah. It did happen, and it continues to happen. One side just “acts civilly” while enabling fascism, the other side actively advances it.
The acceptance of fascist arguments prima facie: “immigration is a problem,” “immigrants do more crime,” and other fascist narratives rather than rejecting them results in the advancement of fascist narratives.
The war has been on since the beginning, and we’re gonna keep losing as long as they keep us talking about everything but the money vs the rest of us.
Biden bragged about deporting even more than Trump, and do you think he closed the concentration camps? Harris ran on an anti-immigrant platform and even ran a wildly racist campaign ad. Obama was notorious for imprisoning and deporting Latinx immigrants. And Bill Clinton is solely responsible for spreading the concept of an “illegal immigrant” with his 1997 IIRIRA. Yes, Clinton is the one who did the kickoff for the anti-immigration trend we’ve been suffering under ever since.
Maybe you’re young, maybe you don’t have family who are personally impacted, maybe you haven’t read history, but trust me when I say the Democrats are a racist party that fully subscribe to and act on using Eugenicist rhetoric as their platform. They are just as complicit as Republicans. (They just try to sound more polite so they don’t offend white liberals.)
So to answer your question: Yes, it happened under Biden. The difference is liberals failed to speak against it (and in many cases even excused it) because the villain was wearing a blue tie.
I get stopped and “randomly” searched at all airports and theme parks. Everytime I’ve been to Disneyland bam “random” search, airport security lines bam pulled out of line for a “random” search. You may ask why I get "randomly " searched so much. I’m brown. That’s it. I dress nice don’t stand out aside from my skin color. How many times can one person be randomly searched by tsa before it stops becoming random? Answer, it was never random
I’m a 40+ year old white guy who goes to events. I’ve never been singled out. And for what it’s worth, when I got pulled over twice when I was in my early 20s (79 in a 50 (country road) and 52 in a 35 (speeding in a 45 and didn’t make much effort to slow down as I entered the 35)), I only received written warnings. Never had to set foot out of the car.
I also went the wrong way on a one way at Indiana University at 3am leaving my girlfriend’s. Didn’t know my way around. I was pulled over. I hadn’t been drinking but they also just believed me and didn’t ask me to take any tests. They escorted me to the road I needed to be on to hit the interstate.
We’re absolutely treated differently and it’s bs.
I’ve always been aware of this by listening to people, but it’s become very obvious just how frequently this happens since I’ve been with my husband who has much darker skin.
Another 40+ year old white guy here. The last time I remember extra security checks – not counting a quick wand or pat because the scanner got confused with a belt or bunched up clothing – was probably 15 years ago.
I was bringing home some parts on a business trip. They were pressure-loaded gas pistons to help lift heavy lids on equipment. Basically shorter, wider versions of the pistons that might raise the rear window or the hatchback in a car. I had half a dozen of them bunched up in the bottom of my backpack. On the x-ray it probably looked like a cartoonish bunch of dynamite sticks, or at least oddly shaped pipe bombs.
I don’t think I even left the area. I immediately realized what happened, told them what it was, and I think they even let me reach in the bag to pull one out and show them.
I did get one other “random” check in my life where we went into a side room for just a pat down. That was a long-ass time ago though. I want to say when the scanner tech was new and I was a lot fatter, lol.
The sad thing now is that there’s no need to talk sarcastically about “random” searches, and try to prove whether there is bias. These ghouls are all mask-off now.
Hell, if anything I could see “well dressed” being another red flag on top of the “brown” one. I can hear the TSA thought processes now: “That one” has something to hide, or is a drug dealer, or something equally stupid.
I had a friend who got pulled over for being in a car full of nicely dressed young white guys in a certain neighborhood because it was assumed they were there to either buy or sell drugs. They were just lost and had drive into the wrong neighborhood, as this was back before ubiquitous smartphones.
I get a pat down every time I go through an airport because my long hair sets off the scanner and they have to make sure i don’t have anything hidden in the small of my back. Also a white dude. Doesn’t help that my ID photo gives off distinct unabomber vibes.
I frequently get asked if I’ve got weed or if I’m selling weed, both by the cops and random strangers. I never have weed. It’s weird the things people conclude based on appearance.
I’m a very white dude and have flown fairly regularly. Not a crazy amount, but several times a year at least.
I have never been randomly searched by the TSA. I’ve definitely been searched, but the couple times have been because I either accidentally brought something I shouldn’t or had some medical equipment in my bag that looked suspicious.
So if people with a darker complexion are getting “randomly” searched regularly… well, that’s not very random.
That’s… not how the canaries worked.
Well I mean do they work though? Lazy slackers sit in the cage all day without a care in the world and when they’re actually supposed to do something they just die, I mean come on they should get a bit of work ethic.
If your canary started screaming I think you’d be even more concerned, but oxygenated.
I’d love to call BS but they don’t let you film I’m that area soooo
To the nerds who doubt this story, you should ask yourselves what leads you to conclude this isn’t real when people have been reporting this sort of treatment for so many years? Have you just ignored them? You think they’re all lying?
You just don’t think racial profiling exists because it doesn’t happen to you. Don’t post that shit in here. Keep it on your white supremacist platforms such as reddit, 4chan, and
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Glad to have you back, LinkOpensChest.
Thank you so much <3
What? Detaining non-white looking people in Puerto Rico?! This is a BS story or the dumbest ICE people on the planet.
Every ICE goon is certifiably brain dead. What smart person would take that job?
Racist LEO’s who wanted a steady federal paycheck?
Did you just wake up, or have you deliberately ignored how deeply racist our state and national culture have been since the very start?
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Dangerous to who?
+1. Disinformation isn’t dangerous and has never caused anything bad in America.
It’s not “disinformation.” You just don’t want to listen to brown people. Anyone who’s paid attention would realize the sort of thing described by the OOP is just business as usual in Amerikkka.
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It would be nice of they could just fight themselves. They’d make much better targets and people to hate.