A lot of the funds go to strange projects, such as building luxurious hotel with solar panel, and even fossil fuel plants that are somehow considered green.
Nicaragua was right not to sign the 2015 Paris climate deal because they correctly believe it doesn’t go far enough. Governments, businesses and people have to be held accountable if we are serious about this.
Okay, when I talk about mutual aid and mycelial networks of resistance, I am talking about materially undermining those institutions that you seem to think we can hold accountable.
States & corporations are not going to do their part. I am talking about fighting a class war. They are not on our side in any way.
All this talk about everybody doing their part to recycle or whatever is part of the problem, because it distracts us. Instead of fighting against them, you seem to think they can be brought to heel, that we can work with them. That’s simply never going to happen.
Funding for global climate change has no oversight and is rife with corruption.
A lot of the funds go to strange projects, such as building luxurious hotel with solar panel, and even fossil fuel plants that are somehow considered green.
Nicaragua was right not to sign the 2015 Paris climate deal because they correctly believe it doesn’t go far enough. Governments, businesses and people have to be held accountable if we are serious about this.
Okay, when I talk about mutual aid and mycelial networks of resistance, I am talking about materially undermining those institutions that you seem to think we can hold accountable.
States & corporations are not going to do their part. I am talking about fighting a class war. They are not on our side in any way.
All this talk about everybody doing their part to recycle or whatever is part of the problem, because it distracts us. Instead of fighting against them, you seem to think they can be brought to heel, that we can work with them. That’s simply never going to happen.