That happened when Chapaev (officer) and Petka (orderly) completely ran out of money. They couldn’t even buy vodka! So they started begging Anka (machine gunner) to, like, “go to the Whites, seduce a couple of them – earn something for us and leave a little to yourself”.

It couldn’t be helped, Anka had to go. When she came to the Whites’ camp, their patrolman called out to her: “Stop! Who’s there?”. Anka said, she had come to practice the world’s oldest profession for any amount of money. The patrolman replied: “Damn, I’ve got only 15 rubles!”. “Okay,” – Anka said, – “let’s get this done for fifteen”.

The soldier enjoyed a lot, praised Anka and recommended her to a lieutenant. The lieutenant was so pleased that he paid 150 rubles and directed Anka to a colonel. The colonel was so delighted that he gave 1500 rubles and brought Anka to a general. The general enjoyed so much that he granted 15000 (!) rubles.

Anka summed up all that money: 15+150+1500+15000 and got a total of 16665 rubles. Then she thought: “If I give everything to Chapaev and Petka, they’ll spend all of it on booze and there will be nothing left for our needs”. So she hid 10000 somewhere and brought what’s left to her division.

Chapaev and Petka were really happy to see how much money Anka has earned! But Chapaev wanted to be sure and asked her: “Hold on, Anka, how many men have you been with?”. “Four, Vasiliy Ivanovich,” – Anka replied. “Right,” – Chapaev said, – “four men have eight balls”. He took a piece of paper and drew 8 balls:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

– Anka, were their cocks erect before?
– Yes, Vasiliy Ivanovich, of course! Hard as rock!
Chapaev drew 4 erect cocks:
6 6 6 6

– Afterwards, Anka, did their cocks become flaccid?
– Yes, Vasiliy Ivanovich, of course! Soft as rubber!
Chapaev drew 4 flaccid cocks:
9 9 9 9

– Well, Anka, let’s do the math:

– Come on, Anka, where are the missing 10000!