Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.
Your Favorite YouTube Channels Might Not Survive YouTubers You Should Support on Patreon. (These are science shows that we know rely at least in part on the funding that’s at risk.)Be Smart: https:/…
A lot of science-related YouTube channels get indirect funding from the US government.
Thank you. Clickbait is clickbait, here or not. Make your titles useful people. We aren’t reddit here.
This is the direct video title. And the description of the YouTube video is partially in the body Text.
While I appreciate that rule in many communities, there’s nothing stopping them from posting a summary or even editorial in the body.
There is no body text that I can see. I am viewing via Lemmy and using the Voyager app.
thats the body text
Lemmy luckily let’s us change titles.
I don’t want users adding their own editorial takes.
Inshallah The Infographics Show and Kuzgesagt shall fall. Also all those white person china-bad slop channels (I hope).