It seems to be Bezos’s as well. With Amazon and Blue Origin, Bezos’s space company, competing for billions in government contracts, it makes perfect business sense for Bezos to cozy up to Musk and Trump. From a journalistic perspective, however, it’s nothing short of a disaster, one that’s playing out daily in the pages of the Washington Post.

    27 days ago

    “Even though the presidential race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is neck and neck, The Washington Post has decided not to make a presidential endorsement for the first time in 36 years”

    Uhh yeah so it is clear that Bezos used his power to alter Wapo and then.

    They have lost several Pulitzer Prize winning personalities in the aftermath to pandering to Trump and company while still trying to pretend they are left leaning.

    It is time to cancel and move on. They have been compromised in the worst way possible and used by Bezos to push a new agenda. It is clear this is the beginning of the end and it is time to cancel and jump ship.