Like, my servants have started bringing the lead shavings when I ask for the wine. I know I shouldn’t overindulge, but I just can’t get the wine down without it.

    27 days ago

    Sorry couldn’t help you bro. I’m enjoying this wonderful stuff from well east of here. Tea.

    I know, I know… having to sit and prep it is a bit of an ask for the staff, but you can carry far more of the leaves they use than you could with wine jugs. Yes I know that it’s expensive and takes time so it’s honestly best saved for Occasions unless the batch risks going bad… Damn having these instructions on storage gone through three barbarous tongues. Can’t these people write proper latin?

    Anyway apologies for the side tangent. I’ll have Livia give a detailed writeup on preparations. I enjoy honey with mine, with bread and cheeses. I regret that the merchant I purchase from either does not know or is reluctant to share how these plants are grown. Surely they would grow wonderfully here, if only I could gain live cuttings, or seeds. It would be a most wonderful and profitable venture.