I know it may be too soon to talk about, but given the rapid twist in American politics, I’m wondering what we can infer from the current situation.

We know Trump is very influenced by other leaders, most of whom are invaders themselves like Russia, Israel and China.

Russia invaded Ukraine under pretenses of denazification. Israel committed genocide using claims of anti-terrorism. Now Trump has warned of fighting the cartels. Today we see a blatant Nazi salute.

What can we expect in the short term? What could be the consequences in the long term? And now entertaining the idea of a possibility, what resistance is there from the inside? I have so many questions.

The news has been rattling, to say the least, that someone could so blatantly make the sign on live media. He has too many followers who could take that as a sign.

What’s your take? I’m hoping this could spark some good conversation.

E: spelling