I love commute by bike for grocery and stuff, but riding in rain is my least favorite stuff ever. Even though i have poncho, it makes me looks like a Ring Wraith on bicycle, and it’s quite fussy trying to put it on. And even i get to keep everything dry somehow, the rain drop might sometime score a direct hit on my eyeball like the car salesman slapping the car. It’s annoying, irritating, and frankly quite dangerous. My vision is blurred, so is my glasses, and it almost got me into trouble a few times.

So how do you guys protect your eye and keep your vision clear? I live in tropical area so the rain can be quite heavy at time, and i can’t wait until it stop because sometime it will go on for hours, even if it get lighter.

  • teft@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I live in a tropical country. I use goggles and my gloves have a little squeegee on the finger that lets me get water mostly off the goggles. Here it rains so hard that i just try not to ride in the craziest rain but when i do i put on a full plastic rain suit. They sell them at gas stations for a few thousand pesos so everyone just buys one if it starts downpouring.