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I cannot understand the true believers. The people who are saying (1) its a Roman salute or (2) its a “My heart goes out to you” gesture.
They can twist themselves into knots with any other conspiracy theory, but cannot imagine the richest/smartest man to ever exist could figure out how to throw out a plausibly deniable Nazi salute.
This is Sideshow Bob explaining his DIE BART DIE tattoo.
We are being gaslit by half a country. That was a Nazi salute.
I cannot understand the true believers. The people who are saying (1) its a Roman salute or (2) its a “My heart goes out to you” gesture.
They can twist themselves into knots with any other conspiracy theory, but cannot imagine the richest/smartest man to ever exist could figure out how to throw out a plausibly deniable Nazi salute.
This is Sideshow Bob explaining his DIE BART DIE tattoo.
We are being gaslit by half a country. That was a Nazi salute.