Looking for game recommendations for my 4 year old who just got a Switch for Christmas. He’s having a good time with Donut County, and likes running around the town in Stardew Valley, but looking for something else. Doesn’t have to be super kids-y, but easy, chill, no lose condition or time limits. Thoughts?

  • makeshiftreaper@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Club House Games is an easy recommendation. 51 games that are classics around the world. You probably know how to play the majority of them already. Likewise a Nintendo switch online subscription is the price of a game for a year and comes with N64, GBA, GBC, SNES, NES, and Dreamcast games. Pokémon stadium 1/2, Ecco the dolphin, Kirby super-star saga, Kirby dream course are all good