• MimicJar@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    And a big problem in this game is that it’s a pain to switch echoes all the time

    It really really is. It’s one of the things I noticed in the trailer and just hoped they would have a solution for once I got to play the game.

    The game has a hundred or so echoes, and you can solve puzzles in different ways, but some require a very specific echo and some require any, so you basically just use the same half dozen echoes. When you have to switch, it sucks, and so when you don’t have to switch you just spam water block or whatever.

    It seems like the devs just implemented the echo switching as is and assumed they’d fix it later… But they never did.

    It’s a fun game but the chances of me replaying it are near zero. Skyward Sword had a similar problem with Fi, although I understand they’ve mostly fix that in the remaster.