“I think it’s time to tell the military-industrial complex they cannot get everything they want,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. “It’s time to pay attention to the needs of working families.”

  • nova_ad_vitum@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Extra spending on health care is not actually required (even though america could afford it). Americans spent more per capita on health care than anyone else already. American health spending is extremely inefficient, with parasites like for-profit insurance (whose profits and much of their revenue are literally just inefficiency in the system) embedded at every layer. The problem is that allowing it to get to this state means many of these bad actors will gladly spend hundreds of millions on politicians and ads to defend the billions they make, and American voters are easily confused.

    If you call profits a bad thing too many times you get called a communist or whatever even though in this case it’s objectively true. The shooting of that parasite CEO should have brought this into focus - that worthless person profited directly from making people’s health care expenditures less efficient (and also from the corresponding human suffering in case anyone cares).

    • electric_nan@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      I agree with all of that. Almost wish I hadn’t used healthcare as an example since there’s plenty of other programs that suffer from low funding.

    • bufalo1973@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      Health is not “spending money”. It’s an investment that leads to less sick workers. Healthy workers work faster and better, being more productive.

      (That’s the only way I see some bastards will understand the profit in public universal healthcare)