That’s not the way RFID works, it’s an old tech only capable of sending it’s code which remains static. The chip gets read and the # is cross referenced with one of 4 or so databases the vet has access to, who then calls you and says “hey we found your cat.”
So basically if I did that and got lost, my vet could call me and tell me they found my cat (which is me), but to know anything about anyone’s kidneys they need a urinalysis.
Clones drunk guy at a bar’s RFID chip with the flipper to steal his identity
Writes cat’s microchip data over my own implant for lolz
At least somebody will be alerted about his kidneys when the cat goes missing and shows up at another vet
That’s not the way RFID works, it’s an old tech only capable of sending it’s code which remains static. The chip gets read and the # is cross referenced with one of 4 or so databases the vet has access to, who then calls you and says “hey we found your cat.”
So basically if I did that and got lost, my vet could call me and tell me they found my cat (which is me), but to know anything about anyone’s kidneys they need a urinalysis.