Hello everyone, I’m relatively new to Rocket League, with only about 500 hours played so far… In 2s, I’m currently ranked Diamond 2, and I can’t seem to progress any further… Recently, I read a report that 1s might help with that. So, here’s my very first ranked 1v1 match! Do you have any tips on where I need to improve to finally reach Champion?

  • Betch@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well one thing that immediately jumped out at me was your recovery speed. 1v1s are definitely a great way to learn and work on that since you’ve got no one else to rely on and you will get punished for it.

      • Betch@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Np! If you want to get to higher ranks in RL, it’s really in the little things, not the flashy things. Good recoveries, good rotations, solid 50/50s, managing your boost well and patience (Meaning not always hitting the ball just because you can. Sometimes the best play is to do nothing, keep your opponents guessing and let them fake themselves out).