Trump winning supports the genocide of every LGBTQ+ person in all of North America, be it directly or indirectly. No one wants what is happening in Gaza. But, I have to say the potential genocide (in the sense of complete erasure of culture as well as open murders with little to no consequences sense) here is even higher.

I have the unfortunate circumstance of being a trans woman in GA. I already have had to completely shut off most contact with people, both work and personal.

I’ve already had rocks thrown at me in an attempt to kill me (this was years ago, even). I already feel like I have to carry a gun. If things go the way they seem, I will even have to order in groceries because it will further empower the people that hate my existence.

The foreign policy is shit, no question. However, I don’t like the possibility of being raped and murdered by some asshole that thinks he understands Co² emissions after watching some video.

I have a lot to say here, especially as a very blue collar machinist. I will refrain, though.

In conclusion: by “avoiding” the genocide in Gaza (which would have in my opinion had a much higher chance of being resolved with Democratic policies), you have also doomed people like me to maybe live in fear for the rest of our lives.

    5 months ago

    Honestly I’m hoping he gets stuck between a rock and a hard place. IF he lets Israel do so he cannot help Putin defend Iran, his missile and Drone supplier. Millions will suffer, no doubt. It’s horrifying, but Trump can’t let Israel kill wildly (hard to say they haven’t been) until he gets the majority of the U.S. to side against Russias invasion of Ukraine. Which means also turning against trade agreements in Europe. He will have to kill so much to gain little. (A few beach condos in the West Bank) Is what all of that started about. His son did the appraisals if I remember correctly.

    Meaning. Would it not be easier to collect $2 billion in kick backs from Putin and ditch Israel. My thought is that is what he will choose. He will say the ammo caches we have their are dated, and we have no interest supporting foreign wars. So cut funding and ammunitions to Ukraine/Israel. His base will act like it is for a good reason… And he gets his wish. Russia will make an agreement with Iran which will make an agreement with the entire area… That a few beach properties are set aside for the Trump family businesses

    After all, the cache loses are U.S. tax dollars, not his